2024. 09. 26.  17:36:21 Vált. +0,100 Forgalom (db) Vétel2024. 09. 26. Eladás2024. 09. 26. Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
7,500EUR +1,35% 293
Forgalom: 2 168,200
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 37,25 mill.EUR 13,51% 3,26


DocCheck AG is a publicly-held company that specializes in healthcare growth market. Marketing, customer relationship management and eCommerce are its specialties. The company's two brands make up its operational business: DocCheck and antwerpes. The DocCheck portal brings the European healthcare market players together on the internet. With more than 1,200,000 users and 2,500 cooperating web sites, DocCheck is the largest platform in this market for exchanging information, online services and eCommerce. As a creative service provider, antwerpes ag develops and implements communication strategies for new and traditional media with an emphasis on healthcare and business-to-business. Ranking 11th in new media service ranking in 2007, it is firmly positioned among Germany's leading agencies.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Dr. Frank Antwerpes
Philip Stadtman, Jens Knoop, Thilo Kölzer
Dr. Joachim Pietzko, Dr. Britta Böckmann, Winfried Leimeister


Név: DocCheck AG
Cím: Vogelsanger Str. 66,D-50823 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-92053-100
Fax: +49-221-92053-133
E-mail: -
Internet: www.doccheck.ag
Ipar: Internet
Szektor: Internet
Alszektor: Internetes szoftver és szolgáltatások
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 20,32%
IPO dátum: 2000. 04. 17.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Tanja Mumme
IR telefon: +49-221-92053-139
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: tanja.mumme@doccheck.com

Fő részvényesek

Dr. Frank Antwerpes
Ben Antwerpes
Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV